Visual Arts

Every student’s individual creativity is valued and cherished at Armstrong Creek School. In our Visual Art program we explore a range of media and techniques and develop student’s creative confidence and imagination. Our personalised approach provides both breadth and depth with students working to their own ability and interest. Pieces are unique and personalised.


Our Grade 5/6 program involves the development of a personalised portfolio of work where students create artworks based on their own interest and learning path. These artworks include printmaking, technical drawing, Modroc sculpture, skateboards, illustrations and paintings.


Are a school we work closely with our neighbouring schools and contributed in both 2018 & 2019 to the collaborative Art Show, along with Barwon Valley, Hamlyn Views, and Nelson Park Schools. This unique opportunity gives us the platform to show case the creative talent in our Inclusive Community.


In 2020 we are looking forward to continuing this relationship and in addition kick starting our very own ACS Artsfest as well.